Jesus is Enough

Live on Sun, Jan 26, 9:29am CST    Kirk Flaa

I recall when our youngest son (Elliot) graduated from Washington High School. He wanted a small graduation party and pizza, which pleased Mom and Dad as it was to be simple and absent any elaborate preparations. Dad was in charge of the food, and the one thing I never want to experience is a shortage when it comes to food! So, I ordered up like 30 large pizzas, and considering about 25 folks were invited, we ended up with plenty of leftovers. In fact, I remember sending whole, unopened pizzas home with as many guests as would take them!! 


We observe the same principle in our text this week of Mark 6:30-44 and Jesus feeding the 5,000. But the crucial difference was that the guest list was much larger, and the food supply much less, with Jesus performing a great miracle to make up the difference! This narrative will provide us with timeless truth regarding the sufficiency of Jesus and what that means for you and me. 


I look forward to joining you and your family on Sunday for worship—and for our Annual Meeting following the third service!! 


Pastor Flaa